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  • A guide to invisible hearing aids

    For years, seniors with a hearing loss had to wear the traditional hearing aid that did not give them any scope to keep their hearing problem a secret from the society. For these people, carrying out their daily routine with the hard-to-miss hearing aid has been dreadful.

    Things have changed now. Today, people are opting for invisible hearing aids over the regular hearing aids. Are you also one of them who is still contemplating whether to go for the regular hearing aid or invest in an invisible hearing aid? If so, then read this article to know more about invisible hearing aids and whether they are right for you or not.

    Why should you invest in invisible hearing aids?
    Here are some reasons that make invisible hearing aids worth the buy:

    They are indeed invisible
    For those senior citizens who are embarrassed by their hearing loss or are conscious about it, the invisible hearing aid helps them be confident and live a normal life.

    They are efficient
    You must know that invisible hearing aids are placed farthest inside the ear canal. There are no additional wires or tubes that are used in this device. This makes it much more efficient than the regular hearing aids.

    It sounds much more natural
    Again, the placement of this type of hearing aid preserves the sound cues that are created when the sounds interact with the shape of your ear and make it sound natural. It is also easy for you to identify where the sound is coming from with these hearing aids.

    How to maintain invisible hearing aids?
    When it comes to maintenance, you need to be extra careful in case of this kind of hearing aid. As these hearing aids are placed deep inside the ear canal, they are constantly exposed to moisture and ear wax. So, it is important that you daily take them out and clean them thoroughly. After you clean them, don’t forget to dry them properly because moisture might reduce their shelf life.

    How much do they cost?
    Invisible hearing aids are comparatively more expensive than regular hearing aids. One of the reasons for their high cost is that they are almost customized according to the patients. Multiple deep ear impressions and several ear models later, you will find a piece that will fit you perfectly. Since this is a time-consuming process, you will have to pay a little more for invisible hearing aids.

    If you have a severe hearing problem or your ear canal is too narrow, then an invisible hearing aid might not be right for you.

    Just make sure that you consult your audiologist and discuss your case before you buy them.

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  • Are invisible hearing aids right for you

    This might come as a surprise, but the truth is that many senior citizens do not use a hearing aid just because they are scared about the stigma that is linked with using it.

    There are also some people who do not use a hearing aid because it makes them look unfashionable.

    This is when the invisible hearing aid comes into the picture. Today, many people are considering opting for invisible hearing aid over the traditional hearing aids. However, are invisible aids really what you need? Read this article to know the pros and the cons of using an invisible hearing aid.

    The Pros of invisible hearing aids

    They stay hidden
    Invisible hearing aids are designed in such a way that they fit furthest down the ear canal, making them invisible. This means that you no longer must be conscious about using a hearing aid to hear better,

    You get natural sound quality
    This is because of the placement of these hearing aids. Invisible hearing aids fit deep inside the ear canals, which makes it easy for you to recognize the natural cues you get when the sounds interact with the shape of your ear. Also, because there are no wires or tubes involved, it is easy to identify the origin of the sound.

    They save you from occlusion discomfort
    Often, people who use hearing aids notice that after putting their hearing aids on, their own voice sounds loud or hollow to them. The hollow sound is due to the occlusion effect, wherein if your ears are covered then the low-pitch sound gets trapped between the drum and the hearing aid. In case of invisible hearing aid, the discomfort is a bare minimum as only the hearing aid is small, and it only covers a small portion of your ear.

    The Cons of invisible hearing aids

    They have a short battery life
    Invisible hearing aids are small in size and so are the batteries that they run on. If you use invisible hearing aids, you will often find yourself replacing batteries and spending a lot on buying new batteries.

    They are not for everyone
    Invisible hearing aids only work if you have a mild or a moderate hearing loss. These hearing aids are so small that advanced features like powerful speakers or strong processing power cannot be added to them. Another thing to keep in mind is that if your ear canal is too narrow or not the right size, then you won’t be able to benefit from invisible hearing aid as they need to be placed deep inside the ear canal. Patients with vision-related issues might find the task of placing the hearing aid in the right area every single time difficult.

    If you are still confused about which kind of hearing aid you should use, see an audiologist and discuss your hearing loss with him or her. Pick a hearing aid style that best suits your lifestyle and your medical requirement.

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  • Resolving hearing loss with Miracle-Ear

    Miracle-Ear is a hearing-aid company established in 1948 by Dahlberg Electronics, founded by Kenneth Dahlberg. It makes use of innovative technology to develop hearing-aid devices. Miracle-Ear was the first hearing-aid company to use Integrated Circuitry in its products. It’s committed to helping people overcome their hearing problems and is a well-reputed hearing aid brand. Miracle-Ear has around 1300 stores in several locations all over the United States and is headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

    3 reasons to choose Miracle-Ear hearing aid
    Trusted brand
    When it comes to buying, people always tend to choose trusted brands. Miracle-Ear has over 65 years of experience in producing hearing aids and is among the industry leaders. With the help of professionals and latest technology, Miracle-Ear has helped many people overcome hearing loss. Miracle-Ear’s aim is to help people to look forward to their goals and lead a normal life like others. Miracle-Ear is spread all across the country and customers can visit one of the several stores near them to make adjustments to their hearing aids, if needed.

    Deciding the type and model of the aids is very important. Miracle-Ear hearing aids are usually sold by dealers and not professional audiologists. Make sure to consult a doctor and take a hearing evaluation test before considering any of the options offered by this company. An audiologist will help you choose the right one ensuring its safety. Also, it’s important that you handle your hearing aid with care. This will ensure its durability.

    Fits your needs
    The requirement of each person varies as far as a hearing aid is concerned. Miracle-Ear offers different styles from which you can choose from based on your requirement. The styles offered by Miracle-Ear are:
    – ITE (In-the-ear)
    – RIC (Receiver-in-canal)
    – BTE (Behind-the-ear)
    – ITC (In-the-canal)
    – CIC (Completely in the canal)

    Let’s take a look at few of these in detail.
    The Mirage is a CIC hearing aid, which uses micro-technology and has many features like feedback cancellation, digital noise reduction, programmable settings, and peak smoothing. It also has volume control and is dust and shock proof.

    The Genius is the newest technology of Miracle-Ear which provides speech isolation, digital noise reduction, directionality, and amplification. Miracle Ear provides 100% rechargeable aids which you can use for 24 hours on a single charge.

    Why Miracle-Ear?
    Hearing loss is no longer a disability thanks to Miracle-Ear. The aids they provide, can either be molded to fit perfectly in the ear canal or it can be designed to fit comfortably behind the ear. There are countless options that Miracle-Ear offers to help people overcome their hearing issues. They have managed to change the lives of many people in the country.

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  • 8 things to know before buying a hearing aid

    There are hundreds out there who experience difficulty in hearing. They are not aware or are too nervous to address the issue. However, hearing loss is a very serious issue and needs to be checked immediately. Hearing loss is generally permanent and must be taken care of immediately. The good news is that in most cases it can be rectified without any surgery. A hearing aid is a device is placed externally in the ear, into the canal. It acts as a filter and ensures that the right sounds reach the ear. There are several brands and models available today. You must consider a hearing aid device only when suggested by a specialized doctor. Here are a few things you should know before buying one.

    Hearing test
    It is very important to get a hearing test. The hearing loss will vary from person to person. It can also happen in both ears. The devices are molded to perfectly fit the individual. Hence a hearing test will help determine how much the power of the hearing aid should be. They also get a mold and the size of the device based on the ear.
    The test in itself is painless. Thus, you need to get it done before placing an order. Miracle Ear hearing aids can be bought after customizing the devices.

    Get your priorities straight
    If the doctor has suggested a hearing aid, you must understand that it is of utmost importance. If there are any changes in lifestyle recommended, pay heed to it. Experts usually ask patients to avoid using earphones and listening to loud music.

    Consult several doctors
    You need to get the opinions of several medical experts. They will give you a clear idea of the extent of your problems. You can also ask them for the best and most economical brand you can go for. There are several companies that are making hearing aids in different sizes and shapes. Efforts are being made to optimize and make it in smaller sizes. Get an expert opinion and find the one that is most suitable for you.

    Medical history
    It is necessary to get to the root of the problem. You need to give the doctor a complete brief on your medical history. All the surgeries and medication you have undergone will play a key role in diagnosing the root cause of your hearing loss. It will also give a clear picture on how you can move forward and rectify it.

    Check all the models
    They are available in several models. Most companies offer all of these.
    – In the ear (ITE)
    – Behind the ear (BTE)
    – Completely in the canal (CIC)
    – Mini CIC
    – In the canal (ITC)
    You can explore different brands and find the most convenient model for you. Miracle Ear hearing aids have varieties in all of the above.

    Have realistic expectations
    The hearing loss could most probably permanent. Hence you need to accept that a hearing device is needed. It is easy to use and can be removed any time. The hearing may not always be as effective as it was before. However, with the latest technologies, it is pretty accurate.

    Have an open mind
    If you have any preconceived ideas about hearing aids you can leave them all aside. Hearing aid styles have come a long way. They are available in several styles and in small sizes. They are merely a small addition to the ear that will make your life a lot easier.

    Support system
    Frustration and irritation are common in those who experience hearing loss and need a hearing aid. Hence it is recommended to have a family member or a loved one in the loop. It will make the entire ordeal a lot easier to handle.

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  • A close look at the causes of hearing loss

    In order to understand the causes of hearing loss, it is important to first understand how the ear functions. The ear can be divided into three parts; the outer ear- that we can see, the middle ear and the inner ear. The outer ear is responsible for channeling sounds to the eardrum. The auditory canal in the outer ear also amplifies low sounds to make them clearer. These sounds make the eardrum at the end of the outer ear vibrate. The three bones of the middle ear: malleus, incus and stapes then pick up these vibrations and transmit them to the inner ear. The cochlea is the most important part of the inner ear that receives these vibrations and triggers a response in the hearing nerve. Thus damage to any of these three parts can affect your hearing.

    Outer Ear

    Given how the structure of the outer ear amplifies low sounds to make them audible, a malformed outer ear can keep a person from hearing low sounds. A buildup of earwax can block the auditory canal and muffle sounds. This can be removed easily at home or at a doctor’s clinic. When cleaning the earwax from your ears, do not push foreign objects like a cotton swab inside. Rather than removing the wax, this can push it deeper inside and cause further problems. Instead, use a home irrigation kit to soften the wax and rinse it out.

    Middle Ear

    Ear infections may seem trivial sometimes, but prolonged exposure to such an infection or recurring infection can damage the middle ear. Swelling and a buildup of pus in the middle ear can cause temporary hearing loss but if it is left untreated, it can damage the structure of the middle ear. Fluid buildup behind the eardrum can also distort sounds and in rare cases cause a perforation in the middle ear.

    Cholesteatoma is another condition that affects the middle ear and hampers hearing. This is characterized by the collection of skin in the middle ear when the ear drum collapses or if there is a hole in the ear drum. As the skin keeps growing, it destroys the bones of the middle ear and can even cause deafness.

    Inner Ear

    The cochlea is susceptible to viral infections similar to the flu which can cause sudden hearing loss. This may or may not be permanent. In some cases the hearing nerve itself may not function properly, thus leading to hearing problems. This is known as sensorineural hearing loss. Apart from infections, sensorineural hearing loss can also be triggered by trauma to the head, tumors, medications that is toxic to the ears and exposure to loud noise.

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  • 4 ways to treat deafness that you need to know now

    If you find yourself frequently asking people to repeat themselves or lose track of a conversation because you can’t hear parts of it, you should get your hearing checked. Though deafness is typically associated with elderly people, it can affect men and women of all ages. Sadly, there is no cure for hearing loss or deafness. However, there are some forms of treatment that can improve you hearing.

    These include:

    Hearing aids
    Hearing aids help improve hearing by amplifying sounds. There are many different types of hearing aids available nowadays. While some for fit inside the ear and are virtually invisible, others are fitted behind the ear. Some hearing aids simply amplify sounds while others help separate ambient noises from conversations. Only a doctor will be able to tell you which one would suit your needs the best. Hearing aids can take a little while to get used to, but the sooner you start wearing them, the smoother it will be to adapt to them.

    Cochlear implants
    The cochlea is situated in the inner ear and is responsible for sending the vibrations created by the eardrum to the auditory nerves. Deafness caused by improper function of this part of the ear is known as sensorineural hearing loss. People suffering from moderate to severe deafness can benefit from cochlear implants. These implants help transfer vibrations to the auditory nerves, thus enabling you to hear better than before.

    Middle ear implants
    People who suffer from low to moderate hearing loss and do not benefit from hearing aids may be advised to have middle ear implants. This involves fitting a small microphone piece just above the ear and implanting a digital device in the middle ear. The microphone captures sounds and transmits them to an implant, which then enhances the vibration of the bones and thus helps transmit sound to the inner ear.

    Deafness can also be caused by a build-up of tissue around the stape in the middle ear. This is also known as conductive hearing loss. A stapedectomy involves removing the stape and replacing it with an artificial part to restore hearing.

    Additionally, if you suffer from hearing loss, you should try and prevent it from worsening in any way. You can do this by avoiding your exposure to sounds that are higher than 90 decibels. If you work in a noisy environment, invest in a pair of protective ear muffs. Do not allow wax to build up in your ears and get them cleaned regularly with a home irrigation kit or at your doctor’s clinic. Lastly, get your hearing checked regularly to ensure that your hearing loss does not get worse unnoticed.

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  • Are you at a risk of deafness? Here’s how you can find out!

    Even if you were born with perfect hearing, it is possible that one day, you may lose your ability to participate in conversations or hear the sounds around you. Hearing loss is a fairly common condition that unfortunately cannot be reversed. However, your hearing can be improved with the help of hearing aids that amplify sound.

    While deafness can affect almost anyone, some of the conditions that could increase your risk of losing your ability to hear include:

    • Age – With age, the inner ear structures may begin to deteriorate and cause hearing problems
    • Exposure to loud sounds “ Over time, prolonged exposure to loud noises between 80 and 110 decibels can damage the cells of the inner ear. Sudden exposure to a very loud sound like a bomb explosion can also cause hearing loss. Hence, if you work in a loud environment, ensure that you always wear earmuffs that protect your ears.
    • Genetics – If either of your parents suffer from hearing loss, you have a high chance of suffering from it as well
    • Medications “ Some antibiotics and chemotherapy drugs can damage the inner ear. High doses of pain relievers and aspirin can also cause temporary hearing loss or make you hear a ringing noise in your ears.
    • Illnesses “ Suffering from certain diseases like meningitis can damage the cochlea and impair your hearing

    In order to be prescribed with a hearing aid, your condition must first be diagnosed and hence, it is important to recognize the signs and symptoms of this condition. Some of these signs that you should watch out for include:

    • Hearing muffled sounds
    • Difficulty in separating background noise from a conversation
    • Difficulty in understanding words in a conversation
    • Trouble in deciphering consonants
    • Needing to ask people to talk louder or more slowly in a normal environment
    • Having to increase the volume of your television set
    • Inability to hold a conversation

    If left untreated, hearing loss may stagnate or worsen. However, its effects are not restricted to the ear alone. When a person is unable to hold a conversation and has to frequently ask people to repeat themselves, he or she might withdraw from society. He is also likely to be misunderstood by others. This can lead to psychological conditions like depression and high stress levels. Deafness is frustrating not only for the patient but for his family and friends as well.

    There are many different types of hearing aids available today to help a person hear clearly. Apart from this, other ways of treating deafness include surgery and cochlear implants. This is usually prescribed in cases where the ears are blocked or when there is damage to the inner ear.

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  • 6 ways to prevent hearing loss

    Can you imagine not being able to listen to your favorite song? While some people are born deaf, anyone can lose their hearing later in life. Deafness is a non-reversible condition that cannot be cured. Your hearing can only be improved by using hearing aids that amplify sounds.

    However, it is possible to prevent hearing loss. Some of the steps you could take towards this are:

    Get your hearing tested regularly
    Hearing loss does not happen suddenly. In most cases, it has a very gradual onset. By getting your ears tested regularly, you can arrest hearing loss in its early stages and prevent it from worsening. This is especially important if you work in a very noisy environment.

    Protect your ears at the workplace
    Exposure to sounds that are higher than 90 decibels can damage your ears and cause deafness. Hence, if you work in a factory or other such noisy workplaces, wear protective earmuffs that safeguard your ears. These earmuffs are designed especially to reduce ambient noise to a more acceptable decibel level.

    Avoid listening to loud music
    Blasting the music on your stereo may sound cool but can damage your ears. Instead of playing music at full volume on your headphones, consider investing in a pair of noise cancelling headphones that keeps ambient noise from disturbing your music. Also, moderate the amount of time you use your headphones. Loud music is unavoidable in places like clubs and parties. Hence, take a break from time to time and step out to a quieter zone to keep your ears form being harmed.

    Clean your ears regularly
    With time, earwax can build up inside your ears and muffle sounds. Hence cleaning your ears form time to time is important. It is even more important to clean your ears properly. Pushing a cotton swab inside your ear to clan the wax can push it in deeper than it as instead of cleaning it out. Instead, ask a doctor to clean your ears or use a home irrigation kit to soften the wax and wash it out.

    Do not ignore ear infections
    Infections of the middle ear such asotitis media commonly affect children as well as adults. If left untreated, this condition can damage the ear and cause hearing problems. Hearing loss can also be caused by frequent recurrence of such infections. Hence, get treatment as early as possible for ear infections and do not let them flare up.

    Check your medications
    Some antibiotics and chemotherapy drugs can cause hearing problems. These are known as ototoxic medications. Even aspirin when taken in high doses can cause deafness. Hence, do not self-medicate and only take prescription drugs from a registered doctor.

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  • Why buy Miracle-Ear hearing aids

    Miracle-Ear is a leading company for hearing aid solutions. The company offers a variety of excellent hearing aid devices and accessories made with advanced technology. When you buy a Miracle-Ear hearing aid, you not only get a fantastic product but also a lifetime of free services such as device cleaning, adjustments and maintenance.

    Here are some reasons to choose Miracle-Ear hearing aids.

    • Miracle-Ear operates some 1300 stores in the United States alone. It allows you to access one of their stores as per your convenience. The company now also has several stores across Canada. At these stores you can find trained and certified audiologists to provide excellent services to the customers. Each trainer also has to pass new certification on an annual basis. This ensures the high quality of services for customers. The company boasts industry experience of more than 65 years. So, when you decide to buy a Miracle-Ear hearing aid, you make sure that you are getting the best in terms of services and products.

    • When you buy a Miracle-Ear hearing aid, you also get services like satisfaction guarantee (applicable for 30 days), damage and loss protection for a period of three years and also warranty depending on your product selection.

    • Miracle-Ear sells products for all budget needs. And since the company provides many aftercare services free of cost, this can further bring down the overall pricing of your hearing aids. The company’s website offers interactive features like a quiz to find the right style of hearing aid, product details, information about hearing health and care for hearing aids and more. You can even take a hearing test available on their website.

    • Miracle-Ear offers a wide range of hearing aids in different styles, sizes and price points. For example, the behind-the-ear model made with the company’s GENIUS technology is a versatile hearing aid that comes with features like data recall, frequency compression and feedback cancellation. It is a rechargeable device, which you can also customize as per your own unique needs. You can also select a Miracle-Ear hearing aid that can help you listen to music with extra features. Then there are several devices that are designed by special consultants hired by the company. These Miracle-Ear hearing aids are also available in different styles such as behind-the-ear, completely-in-the-canal etc.

    • Miracle-Ear offers new technologies and accessories that make it easier for users to sync their devices with Bluetooth. You can also use their GENIUSlink app to control the sounds and use features like Google Maps, Facetime and many more. You can also buy accessories like dehumidifiers, chargers, transmitters, remote control and companion microphones to further enhance your hearing experience using a Miracle-Ear hearing aid.

    If you want to purchase a Miracle-Ear hearing aid, you can do your assessment about its quality as per your own requirements. You can also do hearing aid model comparisons using their website or schedule an appointment at one of their many stores.

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  • Different kinds of Miracle Ear hearing aids

    Not being able to hear clearly can be extremely frustrating both for the person who can’t hear and for the other person who has to continuously repeat himself. The good news is that most cases of hearing loss can be addressed with digital hearing aids. Though these hearing aids do not treat deafness, they amplify sounds to make them more audible. With a Miracle Ear hearing aid, you can not only hear better but can also connect with others in a better way.

    When it comes to pick a hearing aid, there is no one solution for everyone. Hence, there are a number of different Miracle Ear hearing aids you can choose between. Hearing aids can be categorized according to how they fit your ear as In-the-ear hearing aids, Receiver-in-canal hearing aids and Behind-the-ear hearing aids.

    In-the-ear Hearing Aids: These Miracle Ear hearing aids are custom fit to your ear canal thus making it virtually invisible. These hearing aids are easy to insert and remove and can have additional features such as noise reduction and echo guards. These are generally used in cases of mild to moderate hearing loss.

    Receiver-in-canal Hearing Aids: This type of hearing aid can be described as a separate receiver and amplifier unit that is connected with a thin tube. The receiver unit sits behind the ear while the amplifier is molded to fit the ear canal. Miracle Ear hearing aids of this type come with an optional rechargeable battery. These are typically used for moderate to severe hearing loss.

    Behind-the-ear Hearing Aids: These hearing aids are very similar to the above but are more versatile. They can be used to address mild to severe hearing loss and provide the maximum level of amplification.

    Every hearing aid needs to be customized in terms of both the fitting and volume controls. It is interesting to note that not only do no two people have the same ear canals, even the right and left ear canal have a different size and structure. However, when you pick a hearing aid such as the Miracle Ear hearing aids, do not look only at the product but also at the accessories that come with and the service and warranty offered. Some hearing aids can also be wirelessly connected to your phones, television and music players to help make a telephonic conversation or your favorite TV drama more enjoyable.

    Additionally, with a Miracle Ear hearing aid, you can control features such as volume or program settings via an app on your smart phone. Remember, every hearing aid takes a little while to get used to but the earlier you address your hearing loss and start wearing a hearing aid, the easier it is to adjust to.

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