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  • Symptoms and treatment options for HIV infection

    The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection can cause a life-threatening disease called acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). HIV attacks the immune system, which leaves the body unprotected from other infections. HIV specifically targets CD4 cells. These cells mainly aid the immune system in fighting infections. Early HIV positive symptoms can appear within a few weeks of contracting the virus.

    HIV signs and symptoms
    HIV progresses in stages and each of these stages have different symptoms.

    Symptoms of HIV during the early stage:
    Early signs of HIV begin to appear within 24 weeks after the getting infection. These early HIV positive signs can last for a few weeks. These include the following:
    Muscle ache, joint pain, headaches
    Swollen lymph nodes
    Sore throat

    Symptoms of HIV during the clinical latency stage
    The clinical latency stage of HIV comes after the early phase of the infection. This stage is also called chronic HIV infection. There are not many symptoms at this stage of the infection or these can be very mild. For those not undergoing any kind of HIV infection treatment, this stage can last for at least a decade or longer. But for those seeking treatment, this second stage can continue for many decades without progressing to the last stage.
    Some of the mild symptoms at the chronic HIV infection stage are:
    Weight loss
    Other yeast or viral infections

    Symptoms of HIV during the last stage:
    If not treated, the disease progresses to the last stage within a decade or so. This last stage is when AIDS develops.
    HIV signs and symptoms during AIDS are as follows:
    Recurring fever
    Night sweats
    Weight loss
    Chronic diarrhea
    Persistent fatigue
    Sores in the mouth
    Perpetual swelling in the lymph nodes
    Depression, memory loss

    Treatment for HIV
    The treatment for HIV must ideally begin as soon as one tests positive for the virus. On observing the first HIV warning signs, it is imperative to consult a doctor and arrange for a test to confirm the infection.

    There are many different types of medicines that treat HIV. Each drug for HIV treatment fights the infection in a different way. Doctors prescribe these drugs in a combination of 23 different types. This is a preventable measure to stop the viruses from becoming resistant to a specific type of drug and thus become ineffective.

    Treatment for HIV should begin as early as possible. But it is especially important if the CD4 count is lower than 350, if you are pregnant, if you are receiving treatment for infections like hepatitis or if your symptoms are severe.

    Doctors formulate a treatment plan for HIV after checking the CD4 count of the patients. The objective of the HIV treatment is to lower the viral load in the body. The treatment plan can be different for individuals, depending on their health and HIV stage.

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  • What are the early signs and symptoms of HIV infection?

    HIV is short for human immunodeficiency virus. HIV infection can cause AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). HIV is transmitted sexually but you can also contract the infection if HIV-infected blood enters your system. Women with HIV can also pass the infection on to their children during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. HIV infection advances in stages and AIDS is the final one. Not everyone with HIV gets AIDS.

    Once someone is infected with HIV, it lasts a lifetime. It is not possible for the body to become completely free of HIV. But by paying attention to the early HIV positive symptoms, you can start timely treatment to control the spread of the infection.

    The early signs of HIV
    HIV signs and symptoms vary depending on the stage of the infection. A person with HIV may not experience all the symptoms of the infection. Most people with HIV develop flu-like symptoms a few weeks after contracting the virus and some may not feel sick at all. Other common symptoms have been listed below.
    Muscle aches
    Joint pain
    Sore throat
    Swelling in the lymph nodes
    Night sweats
    Mouth ulcers

    Steps to take when you notice the warning signs of HIV:
    The early signs of the HIV infection are similar to other viral infections. So, it is easy to assume these symptoms as just another infection. But if you suspect it to be HIV, it is very crucial to immediately consult a doctor and get yourself tested.

    The early HIV positive symptoms can be so mild that you may not even feel that you are sick. It is during this early stage of the infection that your body has the most number of viruses and raises your chances of infecting others. Therefore, if you feel there is even a slightest chance that you may have HIV (in case you had unprotected sex with anyone recently or if the blood of an injured person got into your system), testing for it can be helpful in controlling the infection.

    Some people do not experience any early symptoms of HIV. Some people with HIV may not even have any symptoms for years. Therefore, if you suspect you might be exposed to the virus, getting tested is the right thing to do. Only HIV tests can confirm the presence of an infection as early HIV signs and symptoms are the same as any other viral infection.

    HIV infection treatment options may vary from each person. HIV has no cure, but with daily medication, therapies, and regular testing, it is possible to manage the disease.

    There are many different types of HIV drugs. Each type of drug fights the HIV infection in a different way.
    Doctors usually recommend the use of 23 drugs from different classes to prevent the viruses from becoming resistant to the treatment.
    Each person can respond to the treatment differently. This is why your doctor will consider your medical history before prescribing any drugs.

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  • Home remedies for ear infections

    Ear infections occur more often in children than in adults. It is a result of virus or bacteria action in the middle part of the ear. It can be a painful experience if you ignore the initial signs and symptoms. The sharp and throbbing pain in the ear can spread to your jaw and neck and cause discomfort.

    Here’s everything you needed to know about ear infections and ways to treat it effectively.

    What Causes Ear Infection?
    The ear infection happens in the middle ear only. There are many reasons leading to viral and bacterial infection in the ear. Some of the common causes are:
    – Wax build-up inside the ear
    – Allergy to certain food products
    – Lack of adequate nutrition in the body
    – Environmental factors like air pollution, allergy, dust, and dirt
    – Genes
    – Any injury leading to damage in the ear

    Why It Is Important To Treat In-time?
    Ear infection can lead to unbearable pain. Ear happens to be one of the most sensitive organs of your body. If left untreated for a long time, it can lead to serious health complications. Eardrum damage, partial hearing loss, and complete deafness are the distant possibilities.

    Easy Home Care Remedies For Ear Infections
    There are many home-based remedies which keep ear infections in check. They are safe to use on children as well. Antibiotics come with side effects and should be avoided:
    – Pure onion juice used as ear drops is really effective for treating ear infection
    – You can also apply olive oil in the infected ear
    – Keep garlic cloves in water and add salt to crushed garlic after 5 minutes. Wrap it in a cloth and put it inside the affected part of the ear to get relief.
    – Put salt in one cup and heat it for 1 minute. Wrap the warm salt in cloth and use it to give steam to the infected ear.
    – Crush basil leaves to form a paste and apply it on the infected ear.
    – Apply ginger oil on the infected part to reduce the symptoms.
    – Try these easy home remedies for ear infections to get relief and get rid of the infection.

    Preventing Ear Infections
    Once the infection is cured, do the following to keep the infection away:
    – Drink plenty of water every day
    – Wear a scarf to protect your ears when you step outside home every time
    – Chew on a gum now and then as it helps in exercising your ear muscles
    – Have probiotics as a natural part of your diet
    – Breastfeed your baby to prevent the onset of a ear infection

    All these will ensure that your ear stays healthy and free from germs.

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  • How to prevent yourself from ENT infections

    Otorhinolaryngology is the term that not many of us are aware of. But it the study of problems related to ear, nose, and throat ENT. ENT problems are common, easily diagnosed, and curable, and yet, can get serious at times if not taken care of at an early stage. Infections are common in the ear, nose, and throat among many people. It is important to understand the seriousness of ENT infections as these organs are closest to the brain and cause a lot of pain whenever there is an infection. Reporting to a doctor in minor pains can be helpful in preventing yourself from potential infection in the future.

    To prevent an infection, you must know the causes of the same.

    Ear infection
    A ear infection is the most common type of infection in ENT infections. You need to know when you are getting an infection, if you do.
    If you feel an ache or pain, if you feel you cannot hear thing as clear as you used to or if you’ve completely lost hearing, if you feel some weird pressure in your ear(s), if there is pus or something like pus in your ear that you see or feel, then there is a chance of having or getting an infection.
    Allergies, cold, adenoid problems (small tissue near your tonsils), smoking, excess mucus production, and bacteria/virus in your ear are some of the common causes of a ear infection.

    You can prevent the infection by protecting your ears from cold by boosting your immune system, by getting allergies check with an ENT specialist on a regular basis, taking medication, and keeping your ears clean regularly.

    Throat infection
    Sore throat is the most common type of throat infection and can be caused by viral infection such as, common cold, infection in the voice box, mononucleosis, herpangina, influenza, mumps, etc; bacterial infections can occur from strep throat, inflammation in tonsils or epiglottis or uvula, in rare cases, STD; and irritants and injuries also cause throat infections such as, smoking, mouth allergies, and stomach problems.

    Prevention of a throat infection will depend on the cause, but the one type of prevention that will help all the ENT infections away is the care from the start. Keeping yourself away from habits of smoking, drinking freezing cold water, keeping yourself exposed in the cold for too long, eating healthy so your immune system can handle such infection in the initial stage, and visiting the doctor regularly are some of the prevention methods that will always help you stay away from these painful infections.

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  • Guard against these common ENT infections

    The human body is quite vulnerable to different kinds of infections which are caused by malicious external agents. What is being implied is that, every part of our body is vulnerable to infections. The most common infections that can cause mild irritation to severe pain are the Ear-Nose-Throat infections, popularly known as ENT infections. The trio is intricately related to each other. That’s how unique a human body is. ENT infections are quite common and mostly affects children. But, adults too aren’t spared from the onslaught of ENT infections.

    ENT infections can be trivial or very severe. Here’s a list of the common ENT infections that can affect anyone irrespective of their age.

    Outer and middle ear infections- If you are diagnosed with outer ear infection, the ear canal is the one that suffers the most. You might experience itching in the ear canal, pain and swelling in the ear canal, and a crust-like formation can be seen around the ear canal. Middle ear infections affect the space behind the eardrum. Ear infections are mostly an extension of nose and throat. You might experience earache, fever, dizziness, and hearing loss in extreme cases.

    Meniere’s disease (ears)- The Meniere’s disease affects the inner ear. The infection occurs in one ear but there are instances when both the ears are affected. You experience vertigo or dizziness and loss of hearing.

    Nosebleed- Nosebleed is common among children but constant nosebleed is not to be ignored. This occurs when the blood vessels rupture due to constant picking of the nose or because of common cold.

    Sinusitis (Nose)- Sinusitis is a condition in which a common cold or respiratory infection can cause a blockage in the sinuses. This is a common ENT infection which results in a stuffy nose, postnatal drip, severe headache, soreness, etc.

    Pharyngitis (throat)- Pharyngitis is an ENT infection which affects the throat. This infection causes the swelling, pain, and redness of the pharynx (throat). It is viral in nature and affects kids mostly. The bacteria that cause strep throat are also responsible for this condition.

    Tonsillitis (throat)- A serious and irritating ENT infection is Tonsillitis. One can experience sharp pain when you swallow something. This condition is caused by the inflammation of the tonsils. Common cold and strep throat are the causes of this infection.

    Our Ear-Nose-Throat trio is interconnected and what ails one can affect the other in no time. So, the bottom line is, never ignore a common cold, it can result in severe nose or ear infection.

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  • 12 foods that fight inflammation

    Inflammation is the body’s response to an external harmful stimulus. It is a protective response stimulated by the system. The symptoms are heat, pain, redness, swelling, and loss of function. It is considered a type of innate immunity.

    Foods that combat inflammation
    The components of the food that fight off inflammation are – antioxidants, minerals, and essential fatty acids. They should be consumed every day to fight inflammation.

    Here are a list of foods that contain these compounds.

    Green Leafy Vegetables
    They are rich in antioxidants and help reduce cellular inflammation. They also contain flavonoids that possess anti-inflammatory properties. The vitamins A, C, and K found in green leafy vegetables have anti-inflammatory properties.

    Bok Choy
    Chinese cabbage contains all the essential anti-inflammatory vitamins and minerals. Research has found that bok choy consists of over 70 anti-inflammatory phenolic substances. Bok choy can be made into a variety of dishes, owing to its versatility.

    Celery has been found to have both anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It helps control cholesterol levels, and blood pressure and thereby prevents heart disease.

    Deep coloring of fruits and vegetables is indicative of its rich antioxidant content. Beets help in cellular repair. They are rich in magnesium and potassium which are both essential antioxidants. Magnesium is also essential for the body to properly process calcium.

    This vegetable is known for its valuable nutritional properties. Broccoli is rich in vitamins, potassium, magnesium, flavonoids, and carotenoids. They are all extremely essential in fighting inflammation.

    The flavonoid quercetin is known for its particularly strong anti-inflammatory properties. It is also known to have cancer-fighting properties. Blueberries are rich in quercetin.

    Research has shown that blueberries slow mental decline associated with old age. Additionally, it also helps preserve motor and cognitive function.

    Pineapple is rich in bromelain It is a digestive enzyme that is compared to quercetin in its importance.

    Pineapple helps reduce the risk of heart disease. In fact, consuming pineapple daily has been compared to taking an aspirin every day. The fruit is also rich in phytonutrients that are found to battle many of the diseases seen today.

    Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which is an essential fatty acid that has numerous beneficial effects. Research has found that it helps reduce chances of cancer, arthritis, and heart disease.

    Walnuts are rich in omega-3 and manganese. They help fight diabetes, arthritis, and heart diseases.

    Coconut Oil
    It contains essential lipids that help fight inflammation.

    Turmeric contains vitamin B6 and manganese. Its active property is a substance called curcumin. Studies have shown curcumin to be much more effective than aspirin as an anti-inflammatory.

    It can be consumed in any form – dried, fresh, or in supplemental forms. Ginger helps in the elimination of toxins from the body’s tissues.

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  • Six home remedies for ear infections

    Ear infections are a result of cold, throat infection or an allergy attack that causes fluid to get trapped in the middle ear. Mostly affecting children, symptoms may include earaches and thick, yellow fluid coming from the ears.

    What Causes Ear Infections?
    Wax buildup
    Food allergies
    Environmental allergies
    Fetal alcohol
    Upper respiratory infections
    Nutritional deficiencies
    Internal injuries

    Symptoms Of Ear Infections
    Throbbing headache
    Fluid draining from the ear
    Difficulty in hearing
    Tugging feeling in the ear
    Sleeping problems

    Here is a list of home remedies for ear infections which can prove helpful in curing the infection and aiding to minimize the pain:

    Heat one cup salt in a microwave or on low flame. Place the salt in a sufficiently big pig piece of cloth to accommodate it all. Tie up the the cloth, completely sealing the salt. apply the bundled salt on the affected area. Make sure the salt is only bearably warm, otherwise you might hurt yourself.

    Juice of four of five crushed basil leaves when applied in and around the infected ear can be useful. Mix a spoon of basil juice with coconut oil (equal amount) and dab it with cotton around the ear.

    A eardrop made of garlic and mustard or sesame oil can be very helpful. To make this eardrop, take a few cloves of garlic and boil it in two tablespoons of mustard or sesame oil. Cook until the garlic cloves turn black. Strain the solution and when it is bearably warm, gently pour a few drops in the infected ear. An alternative option”boil a few garlic cloves with water and salt, dip a cloth in the garlic-salt mixture and dab it on the infected ear.

    Olive Oil
    Put a few drops of warm olive oil in the infected ear, and then gently try to pull out the ear wax. Olive oil makes the ear wax soft. Mustard oil can be used as an alternative too.

    Apple Cider Vinegar
    Place a cotton ball soaked in a solution of apple cider vinegar in the ear like earplugs. Keep it for about five minutes. After removing the cotton ball from the ear lie down in a position the liquid can be drawn out of the infected ear. Dry out the ear completely.

    You can use white vinegar if you don’t have apple cider vinegar.

    Tea Tree Oil
    Mix a few drops of tea tree oil with a tablespoon of olive oil. Use this solution as a eardrop and pour a few drops of it in the affected ear. Afterwards, lie down in a position so as to drain out the oil from the ear.

    These home remedies are very helpful in treating ear infections. However, the first thing that should be done in the case of even a slight ear infection is to consult a doctor.

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  • Top 7 Unbelievable Home Remedies For Ear Infections

    Ear infections can be painful, and can affect your daily life. It often starts with a dull throb, and moves on to become a sharp stabbing pain. Sometimes, the pain can move down to your jaw and neck, and make it difficult for you to concentrate on anything.

    According to a survey, more than two-thirds of children around the world, suffer from middle ear infection at least once by the time they turn three. It is more prominent in babies between seven to nine months of age. This can be frightening for most first time parents as they cannot fathom the reason for their child’s crankiness and sleeplessness.

    Today, most doctors wait up to 72 hours before prescribing any antibiotics to children.

    Also, most parents and adults are hesitant to use antibiotics due to its possible side-effects. Using antibiotics should be the last resort, whether it’s you or your child. You can try some of these safe and gentle home remedies that are very effective. Read on to know more.

    Olive Oil
    Take some warm olive oil and put a few drops into the infected ear. Leave it for a few minutes and then use a cotton swab to clean the ear. Make sure not to insert the swab too deep into the ear.

    Heat a cup of salt over low flame for a few minutes. Take a clean cloth and place the salt on it. Secure it by tying a rubber band. Lie down and place the cloth on the infected ear for a few minutes. The salt will reduce the pain and swelling by draining out the fluid and bring relief.

    Garlic is antibacterial and has pain relieving properties, making it very effective for all kinds of infections. Add two garlic cloves in two tablespoons of mustard oil and heat till it becomes black.

    Strain the liquid and pour a few drops of it in the affected ear after it has cooled down a bit.

    In case your baby is affected by ear infection then breastmilk will bring great relief. Pour a few drops of breastmilk in the baby’s ear every four hours, to cure the infection.

    Tea Tree Oil
    This is an excellent herbal remedy. Mix some tea tree oil and olive oil and warm the mixture slightly. Add this into the infected ear and lay down for a few minutes. Clean the ear with a cotton swab.

    Onion Juice
    Cook an onion in the oven for minutes at 450F. Upon cooling (slightly warm) squeeze out juice from it. Strain it and pour it into the affected ear.

    Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)
    Despite its strong odor, it is still considered to be a great remedy for ear infections. Mix one part of ACV with one part of water. Soak a cotton ball into it and allow it to sit on the infected ear for five minutes. Remove the cotton ball and drain out the residual liquid from the ear.

    Try any of these home remedies to get relief and cure ear infections, without the use of antibiotics.

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  • What you need to know about the H Pylori infection?

    The Helicobacter Pylori (commonly referred to as the H Pylori) are a family of bacteria which possess a spiral shape. They grow in the digestive tract of the human body and are capable of attacking the stomach lining.

    Although these bacteria are pretty harmless, they are culprits of most ulcers occurring in the stomach and small intestine.

    What causes the H Pylori infection?
    Lack of sufficient bathroom hygiene is a big reason. Not washing your hands thoroughly after using the washroom can cause bacteria to enter your mouth from your hands. Consumption of contaminated food and water are one of the main reasons for breeding of the H Pylori.

    Most people diagnosed with the H Pylori infection don’t show most or even any of the symptoms.

    But if you do end up having more than 3 of the mentioned symptoms, it’s always advisable to consult a physician.

    Burning sensation or pain in the abdominal region.
    Uncontrollable burping
    Loss of weight
    Loss of appetite
    Methods Of Diagnosis

    Doctors may use the following methods to confirm their diagnosis.

    Blood Test
    The laboratory receives a specimen of your blood and tests are conducted to check for the presence of H Pylori.

    Breath Test
    During this procedure, you are asked to swallow a pill or a solution containing certain tagged carbon molecules.  If your body does have the H Pylori bacteria, the ingested carbon compound will be decomposed by the bacteria and carbon is released into your body. You will then have to exhale into a bag, and the doctor using sophisticated tools will determine the result.

    Stool Test
    A sample of your stool is sent to the laboratory where analysts determine if you are infected.

    Scope Test
    This is the most complicated test of all. For this test, the doctor enters a long tube (with a camera attached to it “ endoscope) into your mouth, which runs through the esophagus to your stomach. The doctor looks for any irregularities in your digestive tract and can draw a conclusion based on the test results.

    How to prevent attack of H Pylori?
    Always wash your hands thoroughly before and after having a meal, and after using the toilet.
    Only dine in clean environments. Keep your utensils clean while cooking.
    If you’re in a sexual relationship, make sure your partner isn’t affected. Exchange of saliva is one way the H Pylori can be transmitted.
    If anyone in your family has a history of the H Pylori infection, it’s always recommended that you get tested. Early detection is the key to eradicating all sorts of infection.
    Strive to have a balanced diet: one with a proper proportion of proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals.

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  • H Pylori Infection – Cause, symptoms and tests

    H pylori is the short form of Helicobacter pylori. It is a helix shaped, the microaerophilic bacterium usually found in the upper part of the stomach. H pylori is also the common cause of peptic ulcers. It is present in more than 50 percent of the world’s population. It is most common in developing countries than in western countries. Most of the people infected with H pylori never show any signs of symptoms because they don’t get sick from it. Acute gastritis accompanied by abdominal pain or nausea can appear as an infection. If present, the infection shows the symptom of ulcer dyspepsia. An infected person may have stomach pains, nausea, bloating, belching, vomiting or black stool.

    Cause For H Pylori infection
    The exact reason for H pylori infections is still unknown. The infection may pass through direct contact with vomit, saliva or fecal matter of the infected person. Contaminated food or water are also causes of infection. The risk factor of H pylori are related to living conditions such as
    Living in highly crowded conditions.
    Living with an infected person.
    Contaminated food and water.
    Unsanitary living conditions.

    Further complications of H pylori infection may cause the person to develop ulcers and inflammation of stomach lining. H pylori infection is among major causes of certain types of stomach cancers.

    Symptoms of H pylori infections
    Normally, H pylori do not have any symptoms. When it leads to an ulcer, symptoms of abdominal pain may occur which may come and go. Sometimes pain worsens when the stomach is empty or few hours before meals. Some symptoms of H pylori include the following:
    Frequent and excessive burping.
    Abdominal pain especially when the stomach is empty.
    Nausea and vomiting.
    Anorexia or loss of appetite.
    Unexpected and unintentional weight loss.
    Burning pain in the abdomen.
    Frequent bloating.
    Some of these symptoms are also shown by healthy people. These are the common symptoms. However, if any of them persist for a long duration, then it’s a matter of concern. One must consult a doctor immediately if any of these symptoms persist. Immediate and emergency medical help is required if anyone experiences:
    Severe or persistent abdominal pain.
    Difficulty in swallowing food.
    Bloody or black color stools.
    Bloody or black vomit that looks like coffee.

    Immediate action should be taken. It is important to consult a doctor and take the prescribed medication. Doctors basically recommend H pylori test in peptic ulcer disease. The test includes a blood test, breath test, stool test and scope test.

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