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  • 4 signs and symptoms of ALS

    The human body is quite an intricate thing since the mechanisms involved in picking up a small pen is far more complicated than it seems. We receive a health scare and make amends by adopting a healthy lifestyle, but there are certain diseases which cannot be held at bay even by adopting a healthy way of life.

    Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis or ALS as it is commonly known as is one such ailment that affects people in spite of trying to lead a healthy lifestyle. ALS is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder which is known to affects the nerve cells in the brain and spine. The disease manifests itself in the form of failing physical ability. Usually, the motor neurons move from the brain towards the spinal cord, and from the spinal cord to the rest of the body. These neurons carry signals from the brain to the body part which is instructed to perform a particular function. ALS disrupts the proper passage of signals from the brain to the muscles.

    In order to diagnose ALS, it is imperative to read into ALS’s signs and symptoms which every affected individual will project at some point in time. The ALS signs and symptoms are as followed-

    • The early ALS signs and symptoms manifest themselves in the form of slurred speeches, muscle cramps, the stiffness of the muscles, difficulty in holding things in one’s hands, etc. Also, the individual who’s suffering from ALS cannot control his movements and ends up stumbling frequently, and has a problem swallowing food.
    • Since ALS is a neurodegenerative disorder, its impact on the body’s muscles is quite serious. The individual will lose control over his movements, and even holding a glass of water can become quite a challenging task. The muscles in the body start weakening, and performing the daily tasks can become quite tedious.
    • ALS affects a single part of the body, but it is known to spread to other parts of the body as well. The different bodily functions like heartbeats, bowel, and bladder functions, gastrointestinal tract, remain unaffected by ALS for some time, however, if the muscles in the body weaken as a sign and symptoms of ALS, then eventually these functions are affected as well.
    • As an ALS sign and symptoms, the individual affected by the same can display certain behavioral changes. The person might become irritable, apathetic, inconsiderate, and can even have uncontrollable bouts of laughter and tears. The person might lose control of his emotions, but this is a temporary phase.

    When a person is diagnosed with ALS, timely treatment can improve the condition.

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  • 4 essential therapies to treat the signs and symptoms of ALS

    The human body is vulnerable to diseases which can easily override the immune system of the body and cause pain and discomfort when it strikes. The most frustrating part of suffering from any disease is that it affects a person’s ability to move around. Certain disorders affect a person’s ability to perform even the simplest task, and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis or ALS as it is commonly known is one such disorder.

    ALS manifests itself in the form of signs and symptoms that affect an individual’s physical ability. The common ALS signs and symptoms include weakening of the muscles, impairment of speech, inability to chew food, difficulty in holding things in hands, changes in behavioral pattern, breathing problems and temporary loss of control of emotions. These signs and symptoms of ALS become severe as the disorder is left untreated.There are various treatment methods available to control this condition since it cannot be eradicated completely.

    There are various treatment methods available to control this condition since it cannot be eradicated completely.

    • Physical therapy– Since ALS signs and symptoms indicate a deterioration of the muscles, one might face difficulties performing even the simplest of the tasks. In addition to the medication provided by the physician, opting for physical therapy is a viable option. The physical therapist will provide undivided attention to the patient’s issues such as pain, inability to walk properly, their mobility issues, etc. Also, in order to keep the other parts functioning, the physical therapy might involve performing low-impact exercises to maintain muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness.
    • Breathing therapy- The weakening of muscles is a sign and symptom of ALS, and this weakening of the muscles is accompanied with breathing problems. In such cases, the doctor will provide the individual with devices that can assist them to breathe easily, especially at night. Usually, people opt for a mechanical ventilator in such cases.
    • Occupational therapy- Since ALS affects the muscles in the body, it becomes difficult to perform even our small daily tasks, like buttoning the shirt, or moving around the house. An occupational therapist is someone who can help the individual perform at least his daily tasks on his own. Despite the weakening of the limbs, one can efficiently perform their daily tasks with the help of certain adaptive equipment.
    • Speech therapy- It is an acknowledged fact that ALS signs and symptoms include a disruption in an individual’s natural speech. The occasional slur or stammering becomes more prominent with the passage of time. In such cases, opting for speech therapy sessions will be the perfect treatment method.

    The treatment of ALS signs and symptoms are directed towards helping the affected individual lead a normal life, without depending on others.

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  • Treatments and cure of Bell’s palsy

    Bell’s palsy occurs when there is an inflammation or swelling in the nerve that controls the facial muscles of a person. There are no direct causes of Bell’s palsy but there are many factors that may lead to the inflammation or swelling of the nerve. Some of those factors include herpes simplex, HIV, lyme disease, neurosarcoidoisis, and some risks such as pregnancy, diabetes, lung infection or family history.

    Before we get to the treatments, there are symptoms that should be known as well:
    – When one side of the face is paralyzed
    – There is a facial droop and one faces difficulty while making facial expressions including closing eyes or smiling
    – Drooled face
    – High sensitivity in one side of the face
    – Unable to taste properly
    – Changes in tear and saliva production

    If you see any of these symptoms occurring, an immediate medical help is what you should seek to prevent the complete occurrence of Bell’s palsy.
    Though most people who get Bell’s palsy recover even without any treatment but if you feel you are better off with medical help, then you must visit your doctor. There are essentially two medications that a doctor will put you on:

    – Corticosteroids. These medicines help control the inflated nerve and remove swelling. These medicines are best when taken at the immediate sign of symptoms.
    – Antiviral drugs. Antivirals do not treat the Bell’s palsy alone. This medicine is usually prescribed if one of the causes of Bell’s palsy is a virus or bacteria.
    – OTC. Over the counter medications include ibuprofen or acetaminophen that can help in reducing the pain.

    If you want to avoid medical expenses or feel that your Bell’s palsy condition can be cured at home with some home remedies or treatments, then here are some of the home treatments you can try:
    – Massaging the face
    – Relieving the pain buy placing warm damp towel on the affected side of the face
    – Physical therapy exercises to help the facial muscles to stimulate. Physical therapist will make you massage the facial muscles such that it doesn’t occur again.

    Recovery period for Bell’s palsy
    Recovery time varies from patient to patient. It also depends on the causes of Bell’s palsy in that person and how severely the nerve has been damaged. The recovery time lies between two weeks to six months depending on the factors mentioned.

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  • What causes Bell’s palsy

    A condition where there is temporary weakness or paralysis in the facial muscle is called Bell’s palsy. What ultimately causes Bell’s palsy to occur is when the nerve that controls the facial muscles gets inflated, swollen or compressed. When a person gets attacked with this problem, his face will appear like it has been droopy and paralyzed. The person then will not be able to smile or close his eye of the side of face that has been affected.

    There are many causes and risk factors. However, there is no definite cause of Bell’s palsy but it can help you understand the problem by knowing what are the things that might trigger the nerves to cause this problem:

    Causes of Bell’s palsy:
    The nerve that controls the facial muscles is called the seventh cranial nerve. Here are some probable causes:

    There are viral and bacterial infections that can lead to Bell’s palsy are herpes simplex. In herpes, there are cold sores that an infected person gets and that can affect the nerves of the area that is affected by herpes.

    HIV is another viral infected that damages the immune system of the body and if someone has HIV it can lead to nerve damage or can cause other nerves, including the facial nerves to inflate and cause Bell’s palsy.

    Lyme disease is one such disease that is caused by bacterial infection and is caused by infected ticks and that can be one of the causes of Bell’s palsy.
    Sarcoidosis happens when there are small collections of inflammatory cells in the body. Neurosarcoidoisis is what sarcoidosis can lead to Bell’s palsy by causing damage to nerves that control facial muscles.

    Risk factors that can lead to causes of Bell’s palsy:
    The risk of developing a condition of Bell’s palsy may increase if someone is pregnant, has diabetes, has an infection in the lungs, or has a family history of the same condition.
    It is important to understand the causes and risk factors of Bells’s palsy to control it in case you have any of the above-mentioned causes and risks. The better you understand what may lead to the causes of Bell’s palsy, the easier it will be for you to know what may prevent it.

    Another way to recognize the condition is by identifying the symptoms first. There are various symptoms of Bell’s palsy and before it leads to facial paralysis, you may identify and take necessary steps towards curing and treating it.

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  • 5 quick-relief solutions for muscle cramps

    Do you often wake up in the middle of the night with a severe cramp in your calves or feet? Or maybe you had a hard day at the gym and your muscles are acting up. Muscle cramps are usually caused due to overuse of a muscle or due to holding the same position for a very long time. Dehydration has also been identified as the cause of muscle cramps. No matter what are the causes of muscle cramps, one cannot deny that it causes excruciating pain while it lasts. Even when the pain subsides, the remnants of the same lingers from the entire day, making walking or running an impossible task.

    If you wake up at midnight, clutching your calf, popping a pain-killer won’t do the trick for you. What you need is a quick relief to end your pain. Here are some tried and tested methods that would relieve you off your pain immediately.

    Massage- When you experience the onset of a muscle cramp, gently massage that area. Use your forefingers and apply pressure on the tensed muscles. You can use the hard and soft technique of massage simultaneously till the muscles relax. A good massage would help ease your tensed muscles and would help the blood flow to the affected area.

    Hot and cold compress- Muscle cramps imply contraction of the muscles. This tightening can be loosened with the help of a hot compress. Apply a heating pad to the affected area for a few minutes and you can sense the knot loosening. Also, you can use a cold compress, i.e., an ice pack and apply it on the affected area. The ice helps in reducing the pain and the inflammation.

    Increase your fluid intake- Dehydration is a major cause of muscle cramps and the only way to combat this is by increasing your fluid intake. Water increases the elasticity of the muscles and would prevent it from tightening.

    Stretch- Gym-goers understand the importance of stretching before their workout and thus, they perform their stretching exercise as a ritual. Stretching before and after your workout helps in reducing chances of muscle injury. In case of muscle cramps, stretch your legs or your arms and hold the position till the cramp subsides.

    Toe stretchers- Toe stretchers are a great way of keeping muscle cramps at bay. Toe stretchers reduce the frequency of muscle cramps since it improves bone alignment and stretches the muscle ligament which reduces muscle tension around the toes. So, wear it for at least one hour a day to avoid muscle cramps.

    Muscle cramps, though lasts for a few minutes, cause unbearable pain. So, follow these quick-relief methods and say farewell to muscle cramps.

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  • Home remedies to treat muscle cramps effectively

    One word to define a great body is “muscular.” People usually spend hours at the gym and sacrifice a lot to attain the desired muscular body. What would you do if the cause of your pride becomes a source of great pain? We are talking about painful muscle cramps.

    Muscle cramps can be defined as a powerful and painful contraction of a muscle that occurs suddenly and causes excruciating pain for a period of 5 to 8 minutes while it lasts. Also known as Charley Horse, muscle cramps can affect anyone and everyone. However, the good news is that it can be treated with home remedies.

    Here are some of the popular home remedies that are known to treat muscle cramps effectively.

    Epsom salt- Epsom salt has always been a favorite of the apothecary since it has healing properties. The magnesium content in Epsom salt helps our muscles relax and heal. So, prepare a bath for yourself and add two cups of Epsom salt to it. Soak yourself in the bath for 20 to 30 minutes. This would take care of the muscle cramps and you can finally be free of the pain.

    The hot and cold compress- Everyone knows that a good sauna bath helps your muscles relax. So, apply heat pads to your affected area and replace it with an ice pack. You can say bon voyage to your pain in no time. However, make sure you don’t directly place the ice pack on your skin. Keep a cloth in between.

    Apple Cider Vinegar- Apple Cider Vinegar is known to have a high potassium content. When the level of potassium in our body lowers, you start experiencing muscle cramps. So, add a spoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of warm water and sip away. Apple cider vinegar keeps dehydration at bay by maintaining the fluid level in our body.

    Clove Oil- The anti-inflammatory properties of clove oil come in handy when you are dealing with muscle cramps. It helps in reducing swelling caused due to muscles cramps. So, heat some clove oil and gently massage it on the affected area.

    Black strap molasses- If calcium or potassium deficiency is the cause of your muscle cramps, then black strap molasses are what you need. Mix one tablespoon of black strap molasses in a glass of warm milk. Your pain would be relieved soon after you consume this concoction.

    Muscle cramps are inevitable but this doesn’t have to mean that it cannot be treated. Painkillers do relieve you from the pain, but is detrimental in the long run. Home remedies would be a safer option for you, since it has no side-effects.

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  • Causes and treatments of muscle cramps

    Muscle cramps are strong and painful that happens when there is a sudden involuntary contraction of one or more muscles of the body. Muscle cramps are harmless but cause a great deal of discomfort for the time when one is suffering from them.

    Causes and reasons for muscle cramps can be many. It usually happens when one muscle is overused over a period of time or when that muscle has been holding one position for a prolonged period.

    Many people face muscle pain after exercising or at night on days they have exercised. When a muscle is used a lot in an activity, it leads to cramps.
    For most people, walking continuously for long periods or even walking in breaks but walking long distance over all causes muscle cramps. In some cases, walking on concrete surfaces also leads to muscle cramps in the legs.
    If you are not used to running but run once in a while, you are likely to suffer from muscle cramps especially in the legs and thigh area.
    Not warming up before exercising
    Warm up is important before any kind of physical activity, be it a run, yoga, normal work out, or lifting weights. Warming up means getting your body prepared for the unusual physical activities. Missing warm ups can cause severe pain in the muscles. No warm ups before heavy weights work out or push up and pull ups can lead to muscle cramps and pain for days.
    Most people can go through heavy physical activities without any muscle cramps because of a strong immune system. General weakness can cause muscle cramps too.
    Older people are more prone to muscle cramps as people start getting weak as they age.
    Lack of proper diet
    Our body needs to have a strong immune system to fight all kinds of illnesses. When there is a deficiency of potassium, calcium, and other essential minerals in the blood, it leads to muscle cramps.
    Lack of water intake leads to dehydration that later cause many problems in the body including muscle cramps.

    Treatments that cure muscle cramps
    You can try resting to cure muscle cramps. Improve your diet and drink plenty of water to make your body and immune system strong so it can fight common illnesses and problems like muscle cramps.
    Avoid junk food as it takes away essential nutrients from your body and causes you muscle cramps and other illnesses.
    Warm up before any rigorous exercise will help you avoid muscle cramps later on.

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  • How to keep muscle cramps away

    We bet, the thought of a muscle cramp makes you cringe. So how is a muscle cramp caused? To put in simple terms, it is a strong contraction or tightening of a muscle that happens in instant. Extremely painful, it can last for few seconds or go up to several minutes. The muscle does not relax, which is why you experience such acute pain. Not hard to notice, a muscle cramp often causes the involved muscle to harden.

    Most people experience a muscle cramp at least sometimes in their life. It is a common condition and can happen due to several reasons. The most common reason being extreme pressure being exerted on the muscle due to a rigorous workout.

    If you are constantly at the receiving end of excruciating pain due to constant muscle cramps, here are certain things you can do to avoid them.

    Drink enough water – It is true, water is the remedy to most health problems. You must ensure that your body is well hydrated at all times. The losses as much fluid and replenishing it with water will keep the muscles from contracting.

    Avoid popping pills – Constant consumption of medicines, birth control pills, steroids, etc. can affect the muscle cramp. You should try and minimize the intake of these medicines as much as possible.

    Limit smoking and alcohol intake – Smoking and drinking cause lack of blood circulation to the muscles. The legs especially fall prey to the effects of bad circulation. Regular smoking can lead this to aggravate thereby making muscle cramps extremely painful.

    Healthy food intake – Your body is a reflection of the food you eat. Make sure that you eat food that is healthy and gives your body enough vitamins, calcium, etc. Avoid eating greasy foods that generous on oils and fatty acids.

    Prescribed multivitamin tablets – It is possible that the natural foods you eat may not provide your body with all the required vitamins. Ask your doctor to prescribe you multivitamin tablets that you can take every day. This is help in the deficiency thereby controlling muscle contraction.

    Go gym easy – If you hit the gym, take your time and go slow on the workouts. Lifting weights and stressing other parts of your body can lead to your muscle reacting in the form of cramps. You have to first condition your body to exercise a little, before doing a full-fledged workout.

    Keeping these factors in mind and you will be able to effectively avoid cramps and the pain.

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  • Orthopedics: Popular hospitals in the US

    The popularity of a hospital is principally the quality of the medical skills and the expertise of the of the doctors, the nursing staff, and other interpersonal transactions, with the medical expertise and skills certainly ranking the highest. There are innumerable institutions in the US that are the envy of many in the rest of the world. It is futile to attempt to list them in this sort of a write-up. Here are some of the better-known, popular ones for orthopedic surgery, listed in no particular order. The one common thread among them all, however, is the high level of quality of expertise, skill, and knowledge that they possess, backed by some of the best universities and their commitment to patient well-being.

    Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, NY: Considered as one of the best in all respects. They have a very interesting motto which reads Where the world comes to get back in the game. This speaks volumes of them, and they also happen to be one of the oldest in the country. They have nine other institutions serving the east coast.

    Hospital for Joint Diseases, NYU Langone Medical Center, New York, NY: Their field of expertise is vast enough to include rheumatology and orthopedic surgery and all ailments and injuries that affect movement. They care for children and dancers too.

    Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA: They have great concern for patient safety. Sports injuries are their specialty. Another remarkable feature is their large nursing staff and patient service.

    Santa Monica-UCLA Medical Center and Orthopedic Hospital, Los Angeles, CA: A top class hospital with medical experts backed by one of the best research institutes in the world and a large highly skilled nursing staff. Great patient service is their forte.

    Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD: A world renown expert in orthopedic surgery heads the team at John Hopkins. The field of services includes orthopedic, pediatric orthopedic, orthopedic oncology, sports injuries, and spine surgery among others.

    Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA: One of the leading hospitals in the country, it has excellent orthopedic services. They have contributed in a very big way to the treatment of osteoporosis. It is one of the leading places for osteoporosis treatment.

    Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL: They are one of the best hospitals for ACT repair and cartilage repairs and also have some of the best orthopedic surgeons for repairing ACT and also for cartilage repair. The hospital is renowned for its medical expertise and professionalism.

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  • Aleve PM coupons – Where can you get the deals?

    Our modern lifestyle is challenging, stressful and there are some people aren’t even able to get one decent night’s sleep even if they forcefully try to shut the eyes. This is especially true if one is suffering from pain in some or the other body part, a feature regular in the working populace today. Having a good night’s sleep is essential for the human body system. Certain medicines help to deal with the pain by doing away with it so that one can have a proper 8-hour sleep.

    Aleve is popular drug which is an OTC (over the counter), nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug is given and prescribed to provide temporary or lasting relief from the traumatic body pain, minor body aches and pains and other diverse of health conditions

    Every drug has its own side effects and so does Aleve PM, but remember that side effects differ from person to person due to the difference in body kinds and types, and especially also for those people who are allergic to certain chemicals. However, it is a must-avoid for children less than 12 years of age, for those who have just had heart surgery and pregnant woman for the first five months of their pregnancy. However, after having the drugs for a certain period, the body tends to accept it and the side effects cease. However, one should consult with a doctor and let them know about their health status, any allergies or problems and if one is taking any other medicines before one begins to consume it. These pills could make a person a little drowsy, which is its nature, but if there are any other side effects, it is better to avoid consuming it.

    Aleve PM is widely available worldwide. One can easily shop online using attractive discounts. That’s probably one of the best reason these days most of us prefer to shop online rather than direct store shopping. One can enjoy the comfort of online shopping to buy this drug, and it is especially helpful for senior citizens and physically challenged people, who simply need to wait for two or three days, after which it gets delivered to their doorstep.

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