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  • 4 foods that help manage rheumatoid arthritis symptoms

    Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease caused by the immune system attacking the joints in the body resulting in swelling, pain, and inflammation. This illness can affect people of all age groups. The exact cause is still unknown, and there is no permanent cure for the condition. However, early treatment and lifestyle changes can relieve the symptoms and discomfort associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Important changes include adding certain foods that help combat inflammation. 

    Best foods to manage symptoms
    Although several treatment options can help relieve the associated symptoms, adding certain foods to one’s daily meals may also ease the discomfort. Some of these foods are: 

    This food is packed with fiber, which can help lower the level of C-reactive protein (CRP), leading to less inflammation. Beans are also a rich source of magnesium, protein, folic acid, zinc, and potassium. So it is advised to regularly consume kidney, red, and pinto beans to fight inflammation and boost immunity. 

    Cherries contain anthocyanins—a chemical that is a potent antioxidant and helps manage inflammation. In addition, the fruit also helps in fighting against cell damage to make the bones and joints get stronger. So, people with the condition should opt for freshly picked cherries every day to help build strength and reduce the inflammation caused by rheumatoid arthritis. 

    Carrots and other orange-colored vegetables are rich sources of beta-carotene and vitamin A, which help the body fight against inflammation. These vegetables can be cooked and cut into bite-sized pieces.

    Omega 3 fatty acids, often found in fish like tuna and salmon, are extremely beneficial for the health of rheumatoid arthritis patients. They help fight inflammation and decrease the discomfort caused by symptoms like morning stiffness and aching joints. However, one should ensure that the fish is not overcooked. One can bake or grill it twice a week. 

    In addition to the above-mentioned foods, one should consult a healthcare expert for treatment options that can help slow the disease’s progression. One of the most effective options is SIMPONI®, which can be injected as recommended by the doctor to reduce the symptoms like joint swelling, pain, fatigue, and morning stiffness. It also helps improve the physical function of the patients. Other options, such as Enbrel® and Humira®, may also be recommended for people with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis.

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  • 6 unusually early signs of eczema

    Eczema is a group of skin disorders commonly diagnosed among young children, teens, and adults. There are several types of eczema, but atopic and contact dermatitis are the most prevalent types that develop visible symptoms. Inflammation is one of the primary discomforts of any kind of dermatitis. However, patients can also develop some unusual symptoms due to skin infections and complications. Here are six uncommon early signs to monitor closely.

    Visible skin abnormalities
    Eczema exposes the skin’s upper layer to various infections. Rashes, discoloration, small fluid-filled bumps, hyperpigmentation, and thick, scaly patches on the skin are some early signs of eczema. These symptoms usually develop early during childhood.

    Inflammation and dryness
    The skin begins to lose its textural integrity once eczema develops. Inflammation is one of the first markers noticed among the most common types of dermatitis. The skin also becomes dry as eczema spreads.

    Coin spots
    Only 2 in 1000 people who contract discoid or nummular eczema will develop spots resembling a small coin’s shape. These spots trigger itching and can develop into puss-filled blisters. If left unchecked, such spots can break out and ooze fluids, potentially causing permanent scarring.

    Fluid leaks
    Venous eczema is a type of dermatitis where the blood pressure in the veins forces liquids from these skin spots to leak. Venous symptoms can further trigger skin sores and increase the risk of cellulitis, a bacterial infection that causes redness and inflammation of the skin.

    Itchy blisters at the extremities
    Blisters mainly develop all over the body, depending on the type of dermatitis. But those with dyshidrotic eczema may also develop uncommon early signs of eczema at the edges and tips of the finger, palms, and soles. These blisters trigger sharp bouts of pain with any movement.

    Weakened immunity
    Eczema can affect the body’s defense against external pathogens. The blistered exposed skin increases the risk of skin infections that take a toll on the body’s immune fighting responses. Bacterial, fungal, and viral infections with prolonged symptoms and repeated exposure compromise immunity.

    Prescriptions for early symptom management
    Dermatologists suggest oral and topical prescriptions to manage mild-to-moderate atopic dermatitis flare-ups. Eucrisa® is a topical remedy applied twice daily to counter inflammation and visible symptoms. Cibinqo™ can be taken once a day orally to treat moderate to severe eczema as advised by the specialist. Alternatively, patients can benefit from Dupixent® injection to counter active inflammation and manage symptoms.

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  • 5 signs of osteoporosis that shouldn’t be ignored

    Osteoporosis (OP) is a health condition where the bones become weak and susceptible to unprecedented fractures. This health condition affects around 10 million people aged 50 or above. There are treatments and lifestyle changes to cope with the condition. Several osteoporosis symptoms go undetected until a later stage, often until a fracture. Therefore, learning about these uncommon, rarely noticed signs of osteoporosis may help one fight the condition effectively.

    Receding gums
    The teeth in the human body are linked to the jawbone. So if someone is affected by osteoporosis, they might start losing bones, thus causing the gums to recede. The loss of bone density can also make it easier for bacteria to penetrate and affect the bone, thus leading to gum disease.

    Weak, brittle fingernails
    Weak or brittle fingernails may develop because of several factors, including regular gardening, swimming, and other activities. However, people with OP may also develop brittle or weak nails.

    Sometimes people with a family history of osteoporosis are also likely to develop the condition. The risk is higher if the mother or father has fractured a hip due to low bone density.

    Loss of height
    An individual may start losing a little height as they age. However, when osteoporosis advances to a later stage, it may lead to excessive loss of height. It happens when there is a vertebral fracture due to the phenomenon of weakened bones.

    Loss of grip strength
    Postmenopausal women sometimes develop weaker handgrip strength. This symptom is linked to the development of osteoporosis. It also occurs because of other contributing factors, such as smaller, thinner bones in women and reduced estrogen when menopause begins.

    Several methods of treating osteoporosis exist. Two prescriptions often recommended by healthcare experts include:

    This prescription helps treat OP in women after menopause who are at high risk of fracture or cannot use another OP prescription. It can also be prescribed to women who did not respond well to other therapies. The dosage is administered with two separate injections, one after the other, under a healthcare expert’s guidance.

    FORTEO is another injection given to postmenopausal women with osteoporosis at high risk of fracturing their bones. This option can also increase bone mass in men with primary or hypogonadal OP at an increased risk of fractures who cannot use other osteoporosis remedies. The injection may also be given to men with primary or hypogonadal OP and postmenopausal women who cannot use other osteoporosis therapies.

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  • Avoid these foods to manage multiple sclerosis

    Multiple sclerosis is a condition that affects the functioning of the central nervous system. Although it might not seem obvious, the food you eat can be a trigger for the symptoms of this condition. Therefore, being aware of the foods to avoid when diagnosed with this condition is critical in managing it effectively and preventing it from worsening. Listed below are some foods you should avoid if you have been diagnosed with this condition.

    Saturated fats

    This type is mostly found in animal products such as full-fat dairy items, although it can also be found in food items containing coconut or palm oil. These fats can raise bad or LDL cholesterol levels increasing your risk of heart disease. According to a study, if you have been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, then you are already at a higher risk for developing various heart problems. Therefore, avoiding these unhealthy fats might be a good idea, and opt for healthier alternatives.

    Trans fats

    This is another type of fat best avoided by those with multiple sclerosis. It is mostly found in baked goods such as pies, cookies, and other packaged food items. Trans fats can trigger or increase inflammation in the blood vessels, which can cause heart problems. When checking packaged food labels, look for terms such as shortening and partially hydrogenated oil.


    Milk, especially cow’s milk, contains saturated fat and proteins that can affect the health of individuals with MS. The proteins in milk, in some cases, could stimulate the immune cells, which could result in the formation of lesions. According to research studies, avoiding or limiting the consumption of milk can help relieve MS symptoms. Although, you should ensure that you get sufficient protein, Vitamin D, and calcium from other food sources.


    Sugar is most often listed at the top among the foods to avoid to manage various health conditions effectively. Hence, it should also be avoided if you have multiple sclerosis. Excessive consumption of sugar in the form of sweets and desserts can lead to an increase in weight which would, in turn, result in more pressure being exerted on the joints. This can cause mobility issues and interfere with daily activities. Being overweight can also worsen the symptoms of fatigue in those with MS. The crash that occurs with the overconsumption of sugar can also affect mood and cause brain fog in patients with this condition.

    Refined grains

    Food items such as potatoes and white rice, pasta, and bread can cause your blood glucose levels to increase very quickly. These spikes in blood glucose levels could damage the myelin sheath that covers the neural cells. This can result in triggering symptoms of conditions that result in neural dysfunction such as MS. Hence, opt for whole grain products as a healthy alternative.


    According to an article published in Nature Neuroscience, the symptoms of multiple sclerosis could get triggered or worsen due to the consumption of large amounts of salt. Hence, it might be best to limit the amount of salt you use even to season your food. You can choose spices such as pepper instead. Also, avoid consuming canned products and deli meats that could be high in sodium and choose fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables.

    Processed foods

    Processed foods could contain additives, preservatives, and other ingredients that help to increase their shelf-life or to make them more visually appealing and tasty. These additives can impact the functioning of the immune system. Optimum functioning of the immune system is necessary to slow down the progression of MS. Hence, as much as possible, avoid processed and packaged food items and opt for fresh produce.

    Numerous health conditions can be effectively managed through the food you eat, and MS is one of them. Be mindful of these and other food items that could trigger symptoms or worsen your condition and try to avoid them as much as possible.

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  • Some common and uncommon signs of schizophrenia that shouldn’t be ignored

    The World Health Organization estimates that nearly 24 million people suffer from schizophrenia. It often surfaces during late adolescence and the twenties, and men are more prone to it than women. The condition is usually attributed to significantly distressed personal or professional life. People with schizophrenia have an increased mortality risk due to chronic health issues. Thus, it is necessary to recognize its symptoms for proper diagnosis and cure. Some of these include


    This is one of the most commonly recognized symptoms of schizophrenia. A person is said to be hallucinating when they claim to see, hear, taste, or feel things that are not present in their real environment. Auditory hallucinations or hearing voices is the most common state of hallucinations. Those with this condition will claim that they hear voices inside their heads. These voices may comment on their behavior, make criticizing remark, or even communicate with the person. These hallucinations can happen even when a person is fully awake and is not inebriated.


    Delusions are regarded as beliefs that a schizophrenic person may possess that are difficult to comprehend and, at times, feel strange. There are different types of delusions that people may feel

    • Referential delusion: This is when a person believes that any public communication, be it a song or a news item, is meant exclusively to them.
    • Persecutory delusion: Patients will feel someone stalking, framing, or attempting to hurt them.
    • Somatic delusions: This makes patients believe that they suffer from unnatural health conditions.
    • Grandiose delusions happen when schizophrenia patients believe themselves to be prominent world figures such as renowned politicians or actors.

    Unusual Movements

    An uncommon symptom of schizophrenia, this leads to the patient making abrupt, silly, or childish movements. Since an objective/goal doesn’t direct their behaviour, the patient may be unable to control their body movements. Some examples of such unusual movements include assuming a bizarre posture, having a complete lack of response, or making excessive or disconnected movements.

    Disorganized Speech or Thinking

    Patients with schizophrenia often exhibit this symptom. Disorganized speech and thinking are interrelated and may lead to ineffective communication, especially in social settings. For instance, you may ask the patient a question and get a completely unrelated answer. Or, they may put together some unrelated words that are difficult to comprehend.

    Flat Emotions

    Another unusual symptom of schizophrenia is ‘flattening’ or flat emotions and expressions. The patient may have a flat-sounding voice or facial expressions. For instance, their facial expressions may not correlate with the discussions happening around them. They may also show little response to situations relating to a non-patient.

    Difficulty in Structuring Their Activities

    Schizophrenic people tend to have reduced executive functioning of the brain. This means that their cognitive abilities don’t permit them to structure activities. It is difficult for them to identify and execute the steps required to complete the task at hand in a particular order.

    Lack of Insight

    One of the most unusual symptoms of patients with schizophrenia is a lack of insight, commonly known as anosognosia. This means the patient will not be aware that they have a problem or illness. This is one of the main reasons why this condition is hard to diagnose and cure. Though often confused with being in denial, the patient is, in reality, incapable of recognizing the signs and symptoms of schizophrenia. This often leads them to believe that they don’t require attention.

    Negative Symptoms

    These are some unusual symptoms of schizophrenia, meaning that certain standard behavior patterns are negated. When suffering from these symptoms, a patient may start neglecting personal hygiene. They may also appear to be lacking emotions, make no eye contact, or speak in a monotone. These people may also lose interest in routine, daily activities, withdraw socially, and are unable to experience pleasure in activities that used to interest them before.

    Since people diagnosed with schizophrenia often lack awareness regarding their symptoms, their family or friends need to know about the unusual and usual symptoms pertaining to the condition. If you think someone you know has any of these symptoms, talk to them and encourage them to seek professional help.

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  • Foods to avoid for managing bronchitis

    Bronchitis is a lung condition in which the lining of the bronchial tubes, which are responsible for transporting air to and from the lungs, gets inflamed. The condition can be chronic or acute and can develop as a result of an underlying respiratory condition or a cold. Certain foods can also trigger the condition and cause the symptoms to worsen. Here are some foods to avoid when diagnosed with bronchitis.

    Dairy products

    People suffering from chronic bronchitis need to limit their intake of dairy products. When digested, these items release a compound known as casomorphin, which is known to elevate the amount of phlegm and mucus released by the body. This can lead to severe coughing, which could worsen wheezing and pain in patients suffering from the disease. Instead of dairy products, you can opt for alternatives such as almond or soy milk.

    Excess salt

    Excess salt can be extremely harmful to patients suffering from the disease because too much sodium can cause water retention in the body leading to difficulty breathing. To season your food, it is essential to opt for low-sodium salt alternatives, as suggested by a nutritionist, to counteract any harmful effects on the body. It is also essential to keep an eye on labels about the amount of salt present in snacks and processed foods.

    Certain fruits

    Fruits are very healthy, but when it comes to those with bronchitis, it is important to check on the fermentable carbohydrates in the fruit. For example, apricots, apples, peaches, and melons are high in fermentable carbohydrates that lead to bloating and acidity. This, in turn, causes breathing difficulty in patients suffering from the disease. Alternatively, you can have fruits such as pineapple and grapes, which have a lower level of fermentable carbohydrates.

    Processed meats

    Large amounts of fats and salts in processed meats and nitrites used to process and preserve them are known to cause swelling and stress in the lungs. Hence it might be best to avoid or limit the consumption of bacon, sausage, ham, and more.

    Sugary drinks

    There could be severe implications of consuming soft drinks regularly, both for adults as well as kids, as these drinks are known to cause problems such as asthma and bronchitis. This is because packed beverages contain a high amount of sugar, leading to increased constriction and swelling in the airways. Many types of low-calorie soda use artificial sweeteners in the form of aspartame which makes it low in calories. However, this substance is known to negatively impact respiratory health and cause problems such as shortness of breath and difficulty breathing.

    White bread

    People with respiratory issues are also advised to avoid foods such as white bread as it has simple carbohydrates that require more work by the lungs to metabolize it. Instead, opting for whole grains containing complex carbohydrates can be a much healthier choice to boost lung health.


    Foods that contain a high amount of caffeine, such as chocolate, coffee, or tea, should be strictly avoided by people suffering from breathing issues as these foods are known to interfere with bronchitis medicines. These products are also known to increase acid reflux which elevates the symptoms of respiratory diseases and triggers symptoms such as coughing or wheezing.

    Fried foods

    The consumption of fried items such as French fries, donuts, and more should also be restricted, as these contain a high amount of fats that take more time to digest and even cause bloating or indigestion making it difficult to breathe.

    In addition to prescribed treatment options, keeping a check of what you eat can help you manage respiratory conditions such as bronchitis in a better way.

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  • Foods to avoid for managing Crohn’s disease

    When you have been diagnosed with a condition such as Crohn’s, it is vital to watch what you consume to avoid triggering or worsening symptoms. Although there is no specific meal plan for patients with this condition, it has been noticed that avoiding a few foods can help to manage the condition more effectively. However, these trigger items can vary from one person to another. Read on to learn about the foods to avoid during Crohn’s flare-up:

    Dairy products

    If you have Crohn’s disease, you might be lactose intolerant too. Lactose is a protein found in milk and dairy items such as cheese, and some people find it difficult to digest or process. Hence, consuming these items could trigger the symptoms of Crohn’s disease and lead to bloating, diarrhea, cramping, etc. However, dairy products are a rich source of vitamin D and calcium; if you are avoiding them, you would need to get these nutrients from other food sources. This can include green leafy vegetables and fortified cereals or juices. You might also need to talk to your doctor about taking supplements.

    Greasy and fried foods

    People with this condition should avoid items such as French fries and fried chicken. Even items such as sauces made with cream should be avoided. These, too, are difficult to digest and might not be adequately processed in the digestive tract, and could result in loose stools or cramping. Choose cooking methods that involve minimal oil and fats, such as baking, steaming, and broiling. Also, limit your intake of high-fat foods such as salami, sausages, and deli meats, as they can be difficult to digest.

    High-fiber foods

    If you experience a flare-up of symptoms of Crohn’s disease frequently, then it might be best to steer clear of whole grains and certain fruits and vegetables. Bread and pasta made from refined flour are good alternatives. High-fiber foods can irritate the gut and trigger or worsen symptoms of this condition. Consume fruits and vegetables without skin and seeds and ensure they are properly cooked. The cooking process helps to break down the fiber in these nutrient-dense foods. Also, try to avoid cruciferous vegetables as they can cause the formation of gas in the digestive tract and worsen symptoms of this condition.

    Nuts and seeds

    Although a good source of healthy fats and protein, nuts can be difficult to digest and exacerbate inflammation in those with Crohn’s disease. Seeds can also be difficult to digest and can worsen the symptoms of diarrhea. Hence, it might be good to avoid certain fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes, strawberries, and raspberries.

    Spicy foods

    Foods that contain spices such as cayenne pepper and chili powder can irritate the digestive tract and worsen or trigger symptoms of Crohn’s disease. Hence, limit your intake of food items such as burritos, chili, and curries to keep your symptoms of this condition in check. Try using herbs and a dash of lemon juice to season and flavor your food instead of spices and hot sauce.

    Fizzy drinks and caffeine

    It is best to avoid fizzy drinks such as soda and juices that contain artificial sweeteners such as fruit juices. Check the labels of beverages for ingredients listed as sorbitol, maltitol, and xylitol. These sweeteners can cause bloating, gas and diarrhea in some individuals.

    Caffeine consumption can aggravate certain symptoms of Crohn’s disease. It may lead to discomfort and diarrhea. In fact, if you are experiencing Crohn’s symptoms, it might be best to consume water to avoid dehydration.

    These are just a few foods that are best avoided if you are suffering from a frequent flare-up of symptoms. Keeping a food journal might help you determine your trigger foods so that you can avoid them. Also, it is necessary to speak to your doctor before making any changes to your meal plans to ensure that you get all the nutrients your body needs to function.

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  • Hyperkalemia – 10 foods to avoid

    Potassium plays a huge role in the health of our heart muscles and nerve cells. And high levels of this element in the blood cause hyperkalemia. If you consume meals high in potassium, your doctor may advise you to decrease portion sizes and concentrate on fruits and vegetables with a lower potassium content. Here is a list of foods rich in potassium that must be avoided if you have hyperkalemia.

    Yogurt and dairy products
    A serving of nonfat yogurt weighing eight ounces has roughly 625 mg of potassium, making it one of the dairy aisle’s highest sources of potassium. Even reduced fat milk contains 366 mg of potassium in a glass of cow’s whole milk. Ricotta and cottage cheese are also high in potassium. Goat cheese is a low potassium food, proving that not all cheeses are made equal. Likewise, About 131 milligrams of potassium may be found in a half cup of vanilla ice cream.

    When people consider foods high in potassium, bananas frequently come to mind. A banana normally contains 422 mg of potassium. Among all the fruit, bananas are athletes’ favorite as they provide energy. However, it could be highly dangerous for someone suffering from hyperkalemia. Consult your doctor if you have hyperkalemia and stick to fruits such as apples and berries.

    Leafy vegetables
    About 420 milligrams of potassium can be found in only a half cup of cooked spinach. Raw spinach, young or mature, has roughly 167 mg per cup. Fennel, bok choy, beet greens, and Swiss chard are also high in potassium. You can opt for kale instead. Kale has more nutrients than these other dark leafy greens, but it has less potassium. 73 mg is present in one cup of raw kale.

    Clams, which provide 534 mg of potassium in just 3 ounces, are the finest source of protein from seafood. Around three ounces of skipjack tuna offers 444 mg, another major source of potassium. One of the most popular fish, salmon, frequently has a lower potassium content. Keeping a check on what type of fish you are eating if you have hyperkalemia is a must.

    Kidney beans
    Beans are a balanced addition to any meal plan as they’re rich sources of protein and fiber. However, according to data from the USDA, one cup of the kidney-shaped type has 713 mg of potassium. A half-cup of black beans has 489 mg of potassium.

    This creamy, green-fleshed fruit is packed with 690 mg of potassium and is high in fiber and heart-healthy lipids. Although it might seem good for your heart, you should avoid it if you have hyperkalemia.

    Potassium is heavily concentrated in potatoes; 925 milligrams of potassium may be found in a baked potato. A three-ounce portion of french-fried potatoes has 470 mg of potassium and a lot of fat and calories. The potassium content in an ounce of potato chips is 465 mg. Indulging in fast foods like fries is adverse for those with hyperkalemia.

    A single orange has 240 mg of potassium, making it a food with a high potassium content. With 450 mg per 8 oz glass, orange juice is a more potent source of potassium. Fruits vary in their potassium content. Berries are a poor source of potassium and can be a decent substitute for oranges and orange juice. Another good option is apples.

    Dried fruits
    The nutrients in fruit, including potassium, that have been dried are concentrated. You get roughly 750 milligrams from half a cup of dried apricots. Also, even though raisins and dried plums make a fantastic snack, they should be avoided by someone with hyperkalemia.

    Legumes and beans
    Legumes are a significant source of potassium as well. White beans have the most, with 600 mg of potassium in a half cup. In half a cup serving, other legumes such as lima beans and pinto beans have between 300 and 350 mg.

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  • Avoid these 5 skincare mistakes that can cause premature aging

    People begin to get worried about the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles as they age. Getting flawless skin is a common goal, and one can find plenty of advice online and in magazines on how to achieve it. However, one does not always need expensive products to boost their skin health. In fact, avoiding common skincare mistakes could help prevent premature aging. So here are a few things to avoid for youthful skin:

    1. Not using a sunscreen
      Skin diseases, including skin cancer, are brought on by over-exposure to harmful UV rays of the sun. According to dermatologists, about 90% of premature wrinkles could be caused by sun exposure. So, it is essential to use sunscreen even when one is outdoors for a short duration. Also, one should use sunscreen irrespective of the weather, i.e., even on cloudy days. One should use sunscreen that has a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30. Moreover, it is not just the heat from the sun that can cause premature aging, regularly using hot showers, saunas, and hot tubs can also cause skin damage. So, using lukewarm or tepid water to wash your face is the best solution.
    2. Unhealthy food choices
      Most health issues, including skin diseases, can be prevented by making better food choices. If one is regularly always eating junk and unhealthy food, then the body does not get the nutrients it needs. This deficiency is reflected on the skin surface, which might be prone to inflammation and acne breakouts. So, for improved skin health, one should opt for healthy and balanced meals. This should include food items that contain nutrients such as vitamin E, antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, and carotene, as these are good for the skin. One can find these nutrients in fish, berries, honey, nuts, and yogurt, among other foods.
    3. Not following a night-time skin routine
      One of the best ways to keep skin disease and other skin issues at bay is to have a proper skincare routine, especially before sleeping. This would involve removing all the makeup and cleaning the face. This allows the skin pores to breathe and prevents clogging. Washing one’s face helps eliminate the free radicals that could have accumulated from pollution and the environment during the day. Over time, these free radicals can cause the breakdown of the skin protein collagen, which causes fine lines and makes the skin age prematurely. So, one should try techniques such as overnight deep moisturizing to help the skin hydrate.
    4. Over-exfoliating the skin
      To make the skin softer, smoother, and even-toned, many choose to exfoliate the skin as it removes dead and dull skin cells. Regular exfoliation can also prevent dead skin cells from accumulating in the pores and reduce the chances of acne, blackheads, and inflammation. However, over-exfoliation can cause skin damage resulting in dry, discolored, and irritated skin. The number of times one exfoliates will depend on the skin type, however, one should not exfoliate more than once or twice a week. Also, one should avoid using harsh products with abrasive ingredients.
    5. Not sleeping or exercising enough
      A lot of people prioritize their beauty sleep, and yes, sleep is essential for skin health. Getting sufficient sleep allows the body to repair and renew itself, and it can make skin look healthier. Lack of sleep can result in dehydrated and dull skin, which can make people look older than they are. Exercise is also not only good for one’s overall health but also the skin. Physical activity causes the blood vessels of the skin to dilate, which increases the supply of oxygen and nutrient-rich blood to the organ. This can help to boost the health of the skin.

    In addition to avoiding the above-mentioned mistakes, one should also stay away from unhealthy lifestyle habits. Following a simple skincare routine and opting for overnight deep moisturizing can also do wonders for the skin.

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  • Multiple sclerosis – Foods to avoid

    Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a condition that affects the central nervous system. It is one of the most common neurological disorders and is more common in women than in men. According to some data, this condition affects around 2.2 million people worldwide. Avoiding and eating certain foods could help manage the symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis. In this post, we will explore foods to better manage multiple sclerosis symptoms.

    Saturated fats

    Animal products such as red meat, cheese, butter, and full-fat dairy are sources of saturated fats. These foods are known to raise the level of LDL, also known as bad cholesterol, and are linked to inflammation. It could lead to various high-risk conditions such as stroke and heart attack. It is found that people with MS are at a high risk of heart problems, especially women. But specific easy steps would help manage this condition, such as avoiding unhealthy fats.

    Trans fats

    Like saturated fats, to deal with and manage MS, it is good to avoid trans fats such as packaged products, baked cookies, and crackers. Trans fats increase the risk of cardiovascular problems by enhancing inflammation in the blood vessels. Therefore, to manage the symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS), it is best to avoid trans fats such as partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, margarine, etc.

    Cow’s milk

    It has been found that cow’s milk is high in saturated fats and loaded with some particular proteins that may worsen the condition of sclerosis. This is because the proteins in milk stimulate the immune cells and lead to the formation of lesions. But still, the reports concerning this research are mixed. So, it is suggested that if you want to reduce the intake of cow’s milk to manage the symptoms of MS, then there must be a regular intake of Vitamin D, calcium, and proteins from other food sources. Some of the alternatives to cow’s milk are almond milk, soy milk, and cashew milk, which contain more calcium.


    Excessive sugar in sweets is unsuitable for overall health. The reason is that sugar contains lots of empty calories that may lead to weight gain. This also contributes to fatigue. Also, overindulgence in sweets may make you moody, which results in brain fog.


    Gluten is found in some grains, such as wheat, rye, and barley. People with celiac disease, which is caused by gluten intolerance, must try to avoid these grains entirely as it could result in intestinal damage. Those that don’t have celiac disease can also stay healthy by eliminating gluten from their meal plans. However, no evidence indicates that avoiding gluten benefits people with multiple sclerosis. But avoiding gluten could be beneficial if you have digestive issues such as an upset stomach. It is also suggested to choose gluten-free foods cautiously as they may be highly processed.

    Refined carbs
    Staying away from white bread, white rice, and cold breakfast cereals is of great help if you are suffering from MS. This is because these processed carbohydrates may negatively impact heart health by elevating blood sugar levels. Therefore, switching to healthy options such as brown rice, barley, and whole-wheat pasta is good. Relying on vegetables, fruits, and whole grains also helps keep weight in check by keeping you fuller for longer. This results in fewer mobility issues. Foods that are rich in fiber could also help reduce constipation which could occur in patients with sclerosis.


    Excessive sodium intake in the form of salt leads to high blood pressure, which results in a decreased life expectancy in people with MS. Therefore, if you suffer from heart issues, you should consume 1500 mg of sodium per day. If you are healthy with no heart ailments, you can consume less than 2300 mg of sodium per day.

    Avoiding certain foods is as significant as eating certain foods to manage and treat the symptoms of multiple sclerosis. Consult your doctor and then make any decision concerning eating and avoiding any food.

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